Derek Griffith Doubles Up With PASS Icebreaker 75 Victory
Apr 6, 2024
Gearing Up
After rains wreaked havoc with series and track officials at Thompson Speedway on Saturday, all partners made the difficult decision to postpone the rest of Saturday’s show.
After rains wreaked havoc with series and track officials at Thompson Speedway on Saturday, all partners made the difficult decision to postpone the rest of Saturday’s show. The Monaco Modified Tri-Track Series Constantine Paving & Sealing 75 has been postponed to Friday, October 11 as the headline to opening day of the 62nd Sunoco World Series of Speedway Racing.
Monaco Modified teams are asked to keep their Icebreaker pit passes for their postponed World Series event in October. “We want to thank Monaco Modified teams and officials for their patience working with the wet weather all afternoon,” said Thompson Speedway co-promoter Cris Michaud.
“Likewise, we’d like to thank the Thompson Speedway track crew for driving their tails off to try and dry the track,” said Monaco Modified Director of Series Development Renee Dupuis. “Once the sun went down, so did our only opportunity to completely dry the track, unfortunately Mother Nature wins this one but it’s also given us a great opportunity to bring the Constantine Paving & Sealing 75 to the World Series.”
-Thompson Speedway Release
-Photo credit: Connor Sullivan